The Nickersons
There are a lot of Nickersons (Mary Leona's maternal ancestors' name) in our family tree, almost as many as there are Goodwins. It is the only family name in our tree other than Goodwin for which we have information beyond the great-great-grandparent generation. Mary Leona Pierce and her Nickerson ancestors are shown below.
- Mary Leona Pierce, born 1879, daughter of Ephriam Pierce and Almira Nickerson.
- Almira Nickerson, daughter of John Nickerson and Mary Adams.
- John Nickerson, born May 6, 1797, son of Simeon Nickerson and Martha Kendrick.
- Simeon Nickerson, son of Joshua Nickerson and Esther Rider. Simeon was the founder of the village of Oak Park, Nova Scotia.
- Joshua Nickerson, born in Chatham, Massachusetts. Son of Caleb Nickerson and Mary Godfrey.
- Caleb Nickerson, born 1703 in Chatham, Massachusetts. Son of William Nickerson, III, and Dcliverance Lombard.
- William Nickerson, III, son of William Nickerson, II and Mercy Williams.
- William Nickerson, II, son of William Nickerson, I and Anne Bushy.
- William Nickerson, I, born in 1604 in Norwich, England. This Nickerson was the immigrant to the New World and founded the town of Chatham, Massachusetts.